Saturday 22 November 2014

The Christmas TAG

So it's almost christmas and this is my favourite celebration of the year just because all my family is home and we can spend it together. But at christmas people won't judge for watching christmas films and listening to christmas songs where as you would in August. I learnt this from experience this year mentioned to one person I was already getting ready for christmas and they gave me the dirtiest look ever. Anyway lets get on with the tag.

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?

My favourite Christmas Movies are 'elf'', 'The Muppet Christmas Carol'  and 'Arthur Christmas' because they are all funny and they all make me feel all christmassy. 

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?

We open all are presents on Christmas morning when we are all together we open ones from each other upstairs then when they are all open and we are all wake we all go downstairs to open presents from 'Santa'.

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?

One of my favorite memories would be from last year when it was my cats first christmas and we got her a catnip santa and it made her crazy. She definitely enjoyed the masses of wrapping paper, remembering this makes me excited this christmas.

4. Favourite festive food?

My favorite festive foods will have to be mince pies and the chocolate puddings my mum makes for christmas day, and before you say that you can chocolate pudding any day these ones are different. These chocolate sponges have a truffle in the middle which goes all gooey when cooked and the source you poor over the top is baileys and not going to lie I wait all year for these sponges and they are worth the wait, for sure.

5. Favourite Christmas gift ?

Every year my family spoil me and I am not going to lie I am not keen on it because I feel like they deserve to spend there money on something better instead of me. Also because they are much older than me they have a constant income coming in where as I don't so they can spend more compared to how much I can spend and it makes me feel bad because they deserve good presents for having to put up with me. Anyway I will never be able to choose a favorite present because its just too difficult because they all buy me such good presents.

6. Favourite Christmas scent?

My favourite christmas scent this year will have to be Yankee Candles Candy Cane Lane, OMG I have never smelt anything as good or as christmassy than this before. The smell of peppermint is just amazing, it makes me think back to christmas when I was really little and eating candy canes. Not going to lie waking up to the smell of candy canes (peppermint) is just incredible. I am definitely going to have to buy loads of this candle just in case it doesn't come back next year. All of you should go and buy one because this is what I imagine 'santa's workshop' to smell like which makes me feel like an elf, so you should be an elf too with your own workshop.

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?`

Christmas traditions in our house our quite simple basically a week before I break up from school we will put the tree up. Another one is we decorate the giant christmas tree in our front garden with lights and everything. Another one is that how we open presents off of our family upstairs then once we have opened them and we are all awake we go downstairs to open ones from 'santa'. 

8. What tops your tree?

The family tree has a angel on top where as my personal christmas tree in my bedroom has a star on top.

9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?

There has been quite a few for instance a Elf to tidy my bedroom for me, a baby brother or sister so I wouldn't be the youngest child in my family, a pet reindeer because I wanted to be able to fly. I promise that I have not asked for any of these this year.

10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?

Being able to spend the full day with both of brothers and my sister, where we can all get along with no arguments at all and this rarely happens in our house, there is always at least one argument everyday when we are all home. Also by having everyone come home for a couple of days reminds me of when I was little (like ages 8 and below) when everyone was home and no one was in uni and there was arguments (having even the smallest argument makes me think back to when I was little).

I hope you enjoyed this comment below any posts you want me to do and I will do them for you anyway thank you for reading this. Please recommend it and like it, it will mean a lot.
Mandi xxx

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